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Human Design Foundation Reading
Personal & Business Coaching for Projectors

Your foundation

Human Design Reading

What is Human Design?

Human Design offers a map, or a manual, that indicates how you are unique as a person, and guides you in living in a manner that is in sync with who you are. When we live in alignment with our true nature, we begin to experience a level of comfort and acceptance for who we are, instead of chasing who we are not—and we’re able to live out our real purpose in the world.

Your Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design. The BG5™ Design System is the career and business methodology of The Science of Differentiation and I use both to support you in your personal life and business.

I start all my client relationships with this session, as it creates the foundation from where we will journey together, if you are interested in working with me – this is the first step to your success!

Is this for me?

This is for you if you want to discover how to improve the quality of your life in a simple yet immensely effective way. To empower yourself and your business. To make the right moment-to-moment decisions, resulting in improved relationships and career choices and manage the challenges that are part of daily life without getting overwhelmed.

This is for you, if you are ready to be who you came here to be. Let’s reveal your (hidden) potential and emphasis your beauty, through receiving insight, clarity and support of your own unique design.

What is included?

In our time together I will prepare your own unique design before we meet 1:1 online and send you some question to prepare accordingly. You will get the basic information to understand your own Bodygraph, clarity about your uniqueness and hidden potential as well as awareness around pitfalls and unconscious influences. There is space for questions and sharing and you will receive a brief summary afterwards that will support you with the next steps.
After our session, you will feel empowered and get practical tools to use this knowledge in daily life and to enhance your business. All of you is welcome!

Your Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design. The BG5™ Design System is the career and business methodology of The Science of Differentiation and I use both to support you in your personal life and business.

I start all my client relationships with this session, as it creates the foundation from where we will journey together, if you are interested in working with me – this is the first step to your success!


Human Design / BG5 Foundation Reading :
Pricing €130,- / $150,-*

*I have been working with Human Design in my private and professional since 8 years. Currently I am in my official certification process of BG5/Human Design and I am happy to offer this special price for you for a limited amount of time.

-Additional in-depth sessions, support & coaching packages are optionale and available after our first session and will be send per email


Projector Coaching

Is this for me?

This is for you if you want ongoing support and guidance on your unique Projector Journey. Together we will look into your current struggles and desires, using your unique Human Design blueprint as our guide to take steps towards a fulfilling life in which you can thrive.
You will receive practical tools to embody your Projector Being as well as support and loving guidance.

I start all client relationships with one single session from which we explore working together further.
To start working together, you can book your Introduction Session with me, which is based on your unique Human Design profile. You will be able to send me your question beforehand, so I can guide you accordingly and already give valuable input for you and your business.

You are unique, so after our first session I will design a customized approach that fits you and where you are at right now, as well as exploring if we are a match to dive into this journey together.

projector entrepeneur

Business Coaching

Is this for me?

This is for you if you want ongoing (accountability) support with your established business. If you need help to ground your creativity into practical action steps, see the bigger vision, keep attracting new clients and having clarity about the next steps towards your desired success.
This is also for you if you are not sure where to go from where you are now in your business and you want a customized approach that works for you and your business.

I start all client relationships with one single session from which we explore working together further.
To start working together, you can book your Introduction Session with me, which is based on your unique Human Design profile. You will be able to send me your question and topic of interest beforehand, so I can guide you accordingly and already give valuable input for you and your business.

You and your business are unique, so after our first session I will design a customized approach that fits you and your business, as well as exploring if we are a match to dive into this journey together.

I very highly recommend this reading with Nadine and I can say with confidence and gratitude that it was life-changing for me. Understanding your unique Human Design can really enhance and/or change how you show up in the world for yourself and others. Nadine is a wonderful and intuitive counselor and you will be in competent hands booking your session with her.

Louisa - Cyprus

6/2 Emotional Projector

Nadine holds a gentle space for deep self exploration through the Human Design system.
HD has helped me understand how I operate in the world as a part of the whole with compassion and celebration for both my shadow and my light.

Marjani - USA

3/5 Emotional MG

It was like talking to someone who knows, understands and accepts you without criticizing.
I felt like I got permission to be myself and let my inner voice guide me through life. I wish everyone has this knowledge about themselves.
I also got some insights for my kids to better understand their needs!
Nadine is professional and a gentle guide. Highly recommended!

Irina - Ukraine

1/3 Generator

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